I'm a former senior editor and senior writer at The Onion as well as a contributor to The New Yorker and McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. My books have landed on best-of humor lists twice and have been praised by the likes of Judd Apatow and Jack Handey. I live in Los Angeles, and this is probably the best photo you're getting out of me.
But what really matters is what I can do for you. I've spent much of my career writing comedic (and occasionally not so comedic) satirical pieces that have reached millions of people. Each one posed a series of questions I had to answer before it was blasted out: Is this idea as developed as it can be? Is this going to make people laugh in the way I want them to at the moment I want them to? Is this working tonally? Have I chosen punchy words that will get and retain people's attention? Is there a typo that will haunt both me and my descendants for a thousand generations?
In other words, I've spent years cultivating skills directly transferable to almost any copywriting or editing task. Including yours, I bet.